Our Story

About your Diamond:

“A Kehinde handbag, simply said, is a luxury crochet bag. Each Kehinde is uniquely handcrafted and a one-of-a-kind fabric art, meaning that no two bags are the same. Each Kehinde crochet bag is intricately crocheted with expertise and the buyer in mind. Each Kehinde is badged with a gold insignia that reads "handmade." A Kehinde has versatile ways to wear and is lined with a wine red color to resemble the fire of bold and passionate faith. Our faith driven brand speaks through each collection’s title and exquisite design. Each bag is trademarked with a diamond crochet stitch all around because each bag is handmade for the diamond that you are. We view our supporters as prized precious jewels. Diamonds. Much like diamonds, you are the rock of KEHINDE. To be a owner of a KEHINDE is to be a diamond.”

Our Philosophy:

“The foundation of Kehinde was built upon faith, along with three special ingredients: Believe, Consistency, and Patience. a.k.a our B.C.P. rule. We believe that without these key steps there is no faith. With faith, anything is possible. With faith comes hope. Choose faith over fear. Take your leap of faith."

Our Mission:

“Our goal is to introduce crocheting into the corporate world where fabric artists can also make living wages. Crocheting is a valuable skill that is irreplaceable by any machine. It’s time we live in a world where crocheting can be a career instead of just a hobby.”

Our Founder & CEO:

“Kehinde was created by Kehinde Adebimpe who began crocheting in 2016 as a hobby. Her first ever crochet piece was a pink mermaid tail blanket she learned how to do through YouTube. Kehinde is self-taught and has faith in helping people around the world with her crochet bags. Kehinde never dreamed that she would be crocheting luxury handbags, but the idea came into mind during a time that she felt completely lost and alone after graduating from college with no job prospects. Kehinde realized she could make her talents and knowledge work for her and was determined to create her own seat at the table. It was during a time of extreme sadness that she knew it was her calling when she found joy in doing it and when she realized the lack of racial diversity within the designer bags industry."